Citylink/GoBus has launched a new route starting on Monday 25th September. The route is open for pre-booking online at from today, Friday 1st September, with a limited introductory offer of €5 each way.
The new route is a welcome addition to an already successful and established Citylink/GoBus transport services in Galway.
Minister of State at the Department of Health with responsibility as for Disability Anne Rabbitte at the launch said the new route allows Citylink/GoBus to provide a reliable transport solution to more communities.
Citylink/GoBus Regional General Manager, Frances Cahill, speaking on the route expansion said, the company is committed to bringing more services to more towns, particularly along the West Coast. She added that the Company hopes the community will see their investments and support them.
Citylink/GoBus Head of Marketing Pamela Griffin, said the service provides the community more sustainable transport options, as the company connects communities with international opportunities. She announced the introduction of five euro fare each way, and offer in place due to the cost of living.
This route is the first in 20 years to give passengers an affordable service from Mayo to Dublin Airport, with stops originating in Castlebar and servicing Claremorris, Tuam, Athlone (TUS), Dublin City and Airport. The new route is accessible 7 days a week with 6 return journeys per day.
Also at the launch was Sean Canney TD who congratulated the company and expressed his satisfaction that the service will benefit students; adding that improved transport is always welcome for Tuam.
Cllr Joe Sheridan, says the launch is fantastic not only for Tuam but also for North Galway, and new parents starting school in nearby towns who will no longer need to drive to Galway; and thus save big on parking.
Cllr Donagh Mark Killilea said he's been advocating for more bus route for Tuam since 2017. He said it’s a perfect timing, being when students are returning to college. He’s happy students can enjoy better transport service; and people can also travel direct to the airport.
Cllr Andrew Reddington congratulates Citylink/GoBus for bringing the service back to Tuam after decades ago. He believes the service will benefit students schooling in Athlone, those going to the airport and also for those coming to Tuam directly from Dublin.
Citylink/GoBus Sales Manager David Keane said the service is long overdue, and Citylink/GoBus is happy to make the investment. He sais it is very positive for the rural community to be connected again, a service that’s been missing for a while.
Tuam Green Party Rep and Media Executive, Islammiyah Kadejo, welcomes the initiative for Tuam, which she says is in line with the Party’s commitment to easier, cheaper and safer transport services in rural and urban areas. She noted that transforming public transport is a matter of social justice, equity, and safety; as she congratulates Tuam and Citylink/GoBus.
Pre-booking is open from 01/09/23- 25/09/23 on for a limited number of seats.
More photos from the launch